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Spob and Co

Elastic silicone and magnets form a new connection element
Author: Roman Jurt, Zürich, Switzerland
Online since: 13/11/2007, Number of visits: 331783
Photo: Roman Jurt
Photo: Roman Jurt
In the summer of 2007, Roman Jurt was awarded the highest grade for his final year project at the Zurich University of the Arts (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste). And rightly so, we think! With the help of our super magnets, he created a product which can be both useful and a toy, and which, due to its amusing form, is pleasing to look at as well.
Photo: Betty Fleck, ZHdK
Photo: Betty Fleck, ZHdK
He describes his project as follows: "By using a combination of elastic silicone and strong sphere magnets, a new type of connecting element has been developed. The most diverse objects can be spontaneously and without complication conjoined - with the wooden rods that are included, one can build structures, and other toys within the play environment can be included.
Each of the various elements has its own specialised use and they look different from each other. They can be turned or connected to themselves, they're often obstinate and sometimes unmanageable. They incite you to try them out and pique the imagination. Because of these properties, the toy can be focused more on characters or more on connections, depending on the age and interest of the user."
Photo: Betty Fleck, ZHdK
Photo: Betty Fleck, ZHdK
cloc, tack, spob, snip, flap and plog - these are the names of the small silicone figures which make structural masterpieces possible. Each figure has specific uses, determined by its specific form, and can connect the wooden rods or other toys in totally different ways.
Photo: Roman Jurt
Photo: Roman Jurt
Pupils and kindergartners tested Spob and Co. thoroughly and were thrilled! Roman Jurt had his idea patented, is developing it further and is now looking for a possible producer. We hope that this toy will soon find its way into the stores!
We congratulate Roman Jurt on his successful diploma thesis!

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