Mag(net)ic etagere
Made of plates, wooden rods and magnets
Online since: 16/12/2015,
Number of visits: 458104
Make your own Etagere
You can make a versatile Etagere in no time with neodymium magnets, two wooden rods and plates or trays. The best is: All parts stay whole and they can be taken apart at any time. Below I'll let you know how you can easily make your own Etagere.The wooden rods
First, you need wooden rods. Their diameter depends on the plates or trays you choose and the resulting needed magnetic strength. For ferromagnetic Hay trays smaller magnets and 20 mm rods are sufficient. Non-ferromagnetic plates require strong magnets and thicker rods (Ø 24 - 25 mm). You can also use a broomstick.The magnets
And since you can't do it without them, you'll need magnets! For this project I recommend 3 strong disc magnets type S-20-10-N with a small diameter. Since the plates used are not ferromagnetic, you'll also need a very flat disc magnet, for example an S-35-05-N. It sits under the plate and functions as a magnetic counterpart for the rod below.The rest is child's play - just glue in the magnets.
Mark the magnetic poles ahead of time, so the rods actually attract each other and the etagere is stable.
For optimum adherence the magnets should be embedded flush in the rods, so they don't stick out or are sunk too deeply in the wood.
is recommended.
The etagere practically assembles itself.
First, place the flat magnet centered under the bottom plate.
If it makes the plate uneven, glue a felt pad underneath to balance it out.
Then place the rod that's magnetised on both sides on the plate.
It follows the second plate and the rod that's magnetised on one side.
The mag(net)ic etagere is ready for use!
Note from the supermagnete team:
We would not recommend lifting up the etagere when it has items on it.
The plates could break despite the strong magnets.
Just use the magnetic etagere as a very special decoration object.
On the adjacent photo you can see an application with magnetic trays.
Here, the magnets only need to be embedded in the rods; no counter-magnet is necessary.
Can you feel the magnetic force? Check out this and other projects on my blog Bildschönes
(ravishingly beautiful).
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